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Title Case #22 Implant after GBR2
Content Panorama radiography#45,46 guided bone regenerationBone graft + absorbent membrane sutureApplication of Ora-Aid to prevent secondary infections and protect healing growth factors by blocking external ..
Writer tbm2846
Date 2020-09-24
Title Case #21.Supernumerary tooth
Content Palatal side impactedsupernumerary toothPalatal side impactedsupernumerary toothAfter an incision of mucosa, removethesupernumerary tooth.Palatal side After apply Ora-AidAfter 2 weeks
Writer tbm2846
Date 2020-09-24
Title Case #20.Tooth Extraction5
Content #34, 35 ExtractionAfter extraction, suture the affected areaOra-Aid protects the area of the wound fromthe temperature variation to minimizepain irritation.7 days later.
Writer tbm2846
Date 2020-09-22
Title Case #18.Upper Site Implantation
Content Panoramic shooting to check the location of the implant Wiping the surgical site and blood controlafter implant placement. Cutting the Ora-Aid to attach it onthe wound suitably. ..
Writer tbm2846
Date 2020-03-13
Title Case #17.Tooth Extraction4
Content Palatal side impacted supernumerary tooth. Palatal side impacted supernumerary toothAfter an incision of mucosa, removethe supernumerary tooth. Palatal side After apply Ora-Aid A..
Writer tbm2846
Date 2020-03-13
Title Case #16.Temporary Denture
Content # 11, 13, 21, 22 Extraction #Bone graft #21, 22 Apply bone graft Ora-Aid(Model:OB23) #21, 22 Attach Ora-Aid onthe surgical site after applied bone graft #21, 22 S..
Writer tbm2846
Date 2020-03-13
Title Clinical Case #15 "Tooth Extraction3"
Content CASE 1 #36 Extraction and suture Apply Ora-Aid above on the suture.Protect surgical sites,provide pain relaxation and rapid healing. CASE 2 #36 Extraction and suture Apply O..
Writer tbm2846
Date 2020-02-25
Title Case #14.Implantation3
Content CASE 1: #16, Before surgery Apply the auto - tooth bone graft& membrane(absorbent)#16 Implant placement Suture #16 Apply Ora-Aid for protection, pain relaxationand blood control -> App..
Writer tbm2846
Date 2020-02-21
Title Case #13.Implantation2
Content Extracted #22, 23 /Checked alveolar bone with Flap Reflection #22, 23, 24, 25Implant placement (7~10mm) #22 buccal defect Apply the auto-tooth bone graft& membrane(absorbe..
Writer tbm2846
Date 2020-01-31
Title Case #12.Implant after GBR
Content # 22 Horizontal root fracture can be seen in the radiography Socket after extraction Grafting with Bond Apatite(Augma) Exposed graft is protected byabsorbable collagen sponge p..
Writer tbm2846
Date 2020-01-31
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